Equipment Loan

The club can provide safety clothing and fencing equipment for beginners at no additional cost. However, club members are encouraged to purchase their own equipment. The club has a limited supply of electric foils, body wires and lames for fencers to borrow.

At the end of each session all kit and equipment must be placed back in the appropriate place with care. If any kit or equipment is broken or damaged through misuse or any inappropriate behavior the member will be charged for replacement or repair at the clubs discretion.

Please note for hygiene reasons the club does not supply breeches and socks as part of the safety equipment, therefore fencers will need to purchase these.

The club can provide advice on the correct equipment and can arrange purchase and delivery, alternatively put you in contact with a supplier.


As a beginner all you need to wear:

  • T shirt

  • Loose fitting tracksuit bottoms

  • Trainers (non marking sole)

Club Clothing

Some of the items are kept in stock but other items will need to be ordered. If you want to buy club clothing please contact If you fence for the club you will get a club badge for your fencing jacket.
If you would like your name embroidered on any garment this will be an additional £4