Policies, Club rules and regulations

BF Code of Conduct

For all Home Nations, Regions, Counties, Clubs, Members and Persons:-
  • must ensure that Fencing is always conducted in a disciplined and sporting manner and acknowledge that it is not sufficient to rely solely upon the organisers to maintain those principles;
  • shall co-operate in ensuring that the spirit of the Laws of Fencing are upheld and only select fencers that uphold these Laws;
  • shall observe the Fencing Laws at all times;
  • shall accept and observe the authority and decisions of referees, organisers and all other fencing disciplinary bodies;
  • shall not publish or cause to be published criticism of the manner in which a referee handled a fight;
  • shall not publish or cause to be published criticism of the manner in which the Board or any other fencing disciplinary body handled or resolved any dispute or disciplinary matter resulting from a breach of the Bye-Laws, Regulations, or Laws of the Sport;
  • shall not engage in any conduct or any activity on or off the piste that may impair public confidence in the honest and orderly conduct of a fight, competition, Championship or Series or in the integrity and good character of any Person;
  • shall promote the reputation of the Sport and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought into disrepute;
  • shall not commit a Doping Offence as defined in the FIE/BFA doping regulations.
    shall not abuse, threaten or intimidate a referee, organiser or other official, whether on or off the piste;
  • shall not use crude or abusive language or gestures towards referees, organisers or other officials or spectators;
  • shall not do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other Person at an event on the ground of their religion, race, colour or national or ethnic origin;
  • shall not do anything which adversely affects the Sport of Fencing, the Board, any member or any commercial partner of the Sport;
Each body within British Fencing is under an obligation to;
  • Comply with and ensure that each of its members comply with this Code of Conduct;


  • Adopt procedures to monitor compliance with and impose sanctions for breaches of the Code of Conduct by Persons under its jurisdiction.

Note: Definitions of ‘Person’ and as follows;

‘Person’ means a fencer, trainer, referee, organiser, coach, selector, armourer, medical officer, physiotherapist or any other individual who is or has been at any time involved in the Sport, or in the organisation, administration or promotion of the Sport including spectators and supporters.

Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers

  • Do encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.
  • Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials.
  • Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
  • Never force your child to take part in sport.
  • Set a good example by recognizing fair play and applauding good performance of all.
  • Publicly accept officials’ judgements.
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
  • Use correct and proper language at all times.
  • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.

Anti-Bullying Policy

Bullying is not easy to define, can take many forms and is usually repeated over a period of time. The three main types of bullying are: physical (eg ‘hard hitting’ pushing) verbal ( eg racist or homophobic remarks, threats, name calling) and emotional ( eg isolating an individual from activities).

They will all include:

  • Deliberate hostility and aggression towards the victim
  • A victim who is weaker than the bully or bullies
  • An outcome which is always painful and distressing for the victim

Bullying behaviour may also include:

  • Other forms of violence
  • Deliberate ‘hard hitting’
  • Biased refereeing
  • Sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing or theft
  • Tormenting, ridiculing, humiliation
  • Racial taunts, graffiti gestures
  • Unwanted physical contact or abusive or offensive comment of a sexual nature
  • Emotional and verbal bullying is difficult to cope with or prove. It is of paramount importance that all clubs should adopt an anti-bullying policy to which all its members, coaches, fencers, staff, volunteers and parents subscribe to and accept

Every club will:

Take the problem seriously

  • Investigate any incidents
  • Talk to the bullies and victims separately

    Decide on appropriate action, such as:

    Obtain an apology from the bully(ies) to the victim
    Inform parents of the bully(ies)
    Insist on the return of items ‘borrowed’ or stolen
    Insist bullies compensate the victim
    Hold club or class discussions about bullying
    Provide support where required